Apr 30, 2007

The face of Danger

My son Bertram Danger Eagar was born on April 26th at 3:25 am 8lbs 2 oz 21 1/4 inches long We all spent the last few days the hospital, but everyone is fine, and home, eating sleeping and etc... The PICS! http://www.flickr.com/photos/haleagar/sets/72157600161624622/ I know I promised to update everyone right away, but I'm always the optimist and things turned out harder than I expected and I never got home or even online. I tried sending bulk sms messages but that seems to have not gone well, anyway trouble shoting tech was not on my mind so things had to wait.


katy said...

Also pics at http://picasaweb.google.com/katynewcomb/Bertram In no particular order, except the order they were taken.

Gosh he's cute.

haleagar said...

easy link to Katy's photoshttp://picasaweb.google.com/katynewcomb/Bertram