Dec 11, 2008

plastic bags or furoshiki

One of the guys at work had an idea to market the use of reusable bags as furoshiki. The idea has caught on, not through our efforts, just because it's a good idea, though it seems to be a bit commercialized here; and they clearly own the web presence for furoshiki. At any rate I did some thinking about bags and re-use, which you can explore below. But I feel the best idea I came up with is for a retailer, or even better a group of retailers to add a club card type bar code to a bag. You only get the club discount if you bring and use your eco bag with the code. And like other discount cards at grocers it tracks the amount you have saved by using your own bag. So after the 78 visits to the grocery store in the first year you get to know you saved about $3.90 - $7.80 Not a lot, but it would cover the cost of the bag pretty quick. But that's why I would want multiple retailers to support it, it would add up much quicker if it worked at the grocer and clothing stores etc... Perhaps just one of those key chain type club cards, but that was only valid if attached to your own eco shopping bag. That's where I put my Stop and Shop card, so I know I need to remember the shopping bag.

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